Kandyce Affleck, B.E.S.
Co-Chair, Secretary, Podcast Co-Host Kandyce obtained a Bachelors of Environmental Studies degree with a minor in Anthrozoology from University of Windsor in 2017. She later went on to expand her hands-on skills in the Ecosystem Restoration Graduate Certificate program at Niagara College in 2019. Kandyce has held positions with a variety of organizations including Conservation Authorities, NGO’s, and a consulting company. Kandyce currently works at the Nature Conservancy of Canada as Assistant Conservation Biologist for the Lake Erie and Huron Region in Southwestern Ontario. |
Mara McHaffie, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Co-Chair, Partnerships Co-Lead, Newsletter Lead Mara obtained her Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology & Conservation from the University of Guelph, and her Masters of Science from McMaster University. She has previously worked as a research assistant in the academic sector and has held several positions in the non-profit sector, including as a technician for the Hamilton Naturalists Club, a botany student for the Royal Botanical Gardens, and an arborist and program coordinator for Oakvillegreen Conservation Association. She currently works as an ecologist and land stewardship coordinator for the Bruce Trail Conservancy. |
Jacqueline Weber, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Finances Lead, Book Club Lead Jacqueline completed her Bachelors and Masters of Science at Queen’s University with a focus on plant biology. She later completed a one year diploma in Ecosystem Management at Fleming College to expand her field skills and gain practical experience through student internships. Jacqueline began her career in the environmental sector working as a member of the Field Staff at Toronto Region Conservation Authority and as a Natural Heritage Inventory Assistant at Credit Valley Conservation. She now works as a Terrestrial & Wetland Biologist at Natural Resource Solutions Inc., an environmental consulting company based in Waterloo. She specializes in botany and Ecological Land Classification. |
Alex Legere, B.Sc., M.BEMA.
Podcast Co-Host, Events Co-Lead Alex recently obtained a Masters in Bio-Environmental Monitoring and Assessment from Trent University. Prior to that he obtained a Bachelors of Biology from Wilfred Laurier University with minors in environmental science, history & philosophy of science. Alex has worked across the spectrum of organizations, working for four years as a wildlife research technician for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry before moving over to ENGO's and most recently, into consulting. Currently, Alex works as lead field biologist at AEW LP overseeing ecological monitoring on Nlaka'pamux Nation traditional territory in British Columbia. |
Alejandro Prescott-Cornejo, B.A. Hons, M.Sc.
Mentorship Co-Lead Alejandro holds an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management from the University of Oxford. Prior to that, he completed an Hons. BA in Spanish and Portuguese Literature and a Certificate in Spanish-English Translation at the University of Toronto. Previously, he has worked as Community Outreach Coordinator at Ottawa Riverkeeper, at the European Commission, and the University of Toronto. Alejandro is currently the Marketing Associate at Mongabay, one of the world’s most popular conservation news outlets. Alejandro is also the founder of APC Wildlife Photography, a wildlife photography education platform that publishes wildlife photography tutorials and blogs for those who want to learn. |
Katy Alambo, B.Sc. Hons, M.Sc.
Mentorship Co-Lead After completing her B.Sc in Biology at the University of Waterloo, Katy went on to pursue her M.Sc in Biology with a specialization in chemical and environmental toxicology at the University of Ottawa. She worked briefly in the private sector as an Environmental Scientist and Risk Assessor before joining the staff team at Ottawa Riverkeeper, a non-profit that works to protect the Ottawa River watershed. Katy is currently navigating a career transition and is investigating other opportunities for connecting with people on topics related to the environment and biodiversity, as well as mental health and well-being. She currently works as a Science Interpreter for the Canadian Museum of Nature while continuing to be involved with Ottawa Riverkeeper as a volunteer Riverwatcher, as well as with Black in Nature Forest School, a non-profit organization providing outdoor educational experiences to Black kids in Ottawa. |
Madeleine Bray, B.Sc.
Blog Lead, Events Co-Lead Madeleine received her BSc from the University of Toronto, with a double major in Ecology and Forest Conservation Science. She proceeded to work as an interpreter in Ontario Parks, talking to people of all ages and backgrounds about local forests, ecology, and history within the park, and underwent training to become a certified Interpretive Guide. Her work in the field of interpretation lead her to her current role as Education Outreach Coordinator at Forests Ontario. This role includes developing lesson plans, delivering presentations to classrooms, and organizing special events such as the Ontario Envirothon program. |
Devanshi Parmar, B.Sc. Candidate
Social Media Lead, Events Co-Lead Devanshi is currently finishing her final year of her undergraduate degree, consisting of an Honours Specialization in Biology and Minor in Art History and Studio Art at Western University. Throughout her undergraduate studies, Devanshi was unsure of what she wanted to do with her degree, however, she found herself consistently taking ecology and animal physiology based courses. After attending Field Research in Ecology and Evolution Diversified (FREED) as a participant in the summer of 2022, she was confident that she wanted to start a career within the environmental field. |
Anika Hazra, B.Sc., M.S.
Partnerships Co-Lead Anika has a BSc in Ecology (minor in English) from the University of Toronto and an MS in Ecology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Anika started working in science communication while she was in graduate school, including joining the Science for the People podcast as a guest host. Since graduating, she has worked as a freelance science writer and editor, including for the Biomimicry Institute and the BirdNote Daily podcast, and a communications coordinator and advisor for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS). Anika recently joined the Donnelly Centre as a research and communications officer, where she promotes the research of faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers working in integrative biology, bioengineering and medicine. She is also on the program and communications committees of RCIScience and has volunteered with FREED as a workshop leader. |